Our new program for street children in Kenya has started! We aim to use martial arts and mentoring to help these kids have a better future. Our target age range is 6-12 years and we aim to transport 10 kids or more from the slums in Eldoret to the Fighting for Lives Kenya Centre, which is located in Langas (8km away). Our facility is in the lush valleys and is highly conducive to personal development. It will allow the kids to stay off the streets for a few hours each day where they will receive martial arts training, mentoring, counselling and a full meal each time they come. It costs about 1 euro to do all this for one child each day, so we're asking people to sponsor one day (i.e. 10 kids) for 10 euros. If we can get 20 sponsors to donate 10 euros per month, we'll be able to run this program 5 days a week for 10 kids a day. One day will include:
Travel for 10 kids to the Fighting for Lives Centre from the Eldoret slums
Small snack and drink for energy
Martial arts training, mentoring, counselling
Full meal and drink
Return travel to the Eldoret slums from the Fighting for Lives Centre
Once this is running, we'll start looking into further strengthening the program by introducing a skills development segment.