Monday 17 October 2011

Petri Kolehmainen - Hokuto-ryu Ju-jitsu - World Fighting for Lives Weekend

I’ve practiced martial arts since 1990. I currently hold a rank of 3rd dan black belt in Hokutoryu Ju-jutsu and I’m the head instructor in Hokutoryu at Turun Ju-jutsuseura / Combat Arena. I’ve also trained Brazilian jiu-jitsu (brown belt) and kickboxing. I’ve competed in Hokutoryu, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling and I have won several championships in each sport.

I’ve been involved in Fighting for Lives via Parvez for years and have enjoyed the seminars a few times. Mainly since they’ve many times taken place at our gym. I’m very pleased and honored to have our club and Combat Arena host the main event of the World Fighting For Lives Weekend 2011 in Finland.
I look forward to teach a seminar class in Hokutoryu Ju-jutsu and to train with my friends in this great charity event! Let’s make this big!